People often ask what type of items we specialise in. As you can see from the above, it’s a tricky question to answer!

Newly added to the website, we have a fantastic New York drug store sign in the form of a large pestle & mortar, which would have been illuminated, creating an eye-catching display above shop windows. The advertising material for a variant model describes it as ‘a jewelled mortar by day, brilliant, sparkling, and most attractive by night’.

A rare anatomical model of a penis, although once a useful study aid, would now certainly make an interesting topic of conversation as a desk ornament!

For any lawyers out there, we have a wig, stand and case which belonged to the Honourable Alfred Lyttelton Q.C., who was Secretary of State for the Colonies between 1903 and 1905, and was the first man to represent England at both football and cricket – a clever chap.

Antiques are certainly not ‘just brown furniture’!