April’s Item of the Month is a writing table or desk in Jamaican Satinwood attributed to Gillows, circa 1840, of good colour and surface, with ingenious locking mechanism to short drawers, in very original condition.

Gillows design for an almost identical table (excluding superstructure) was first produced in 1836; examples are known in Rosewood, Albuera wood (Gonçalo Alves) and Mahogany. Founded in 1730, Gillows of Lancaster & London quickly grew to become one of the most important and well-respected furniture makers of the Regency period. Nearly three centuries on, their name remains a standard for craftsmanship and quality in British cabinet making.

Christie’s London sold an almost identical table (excluding superstructure) in walnut with satinwood crossbanding, 1st February 2011, £6,875.

For further information about Gillows, see The Makers Series: Gillows of London & Lancaster | BADA.