Scottish Painted Coat of Arms

A George III oak shield painted with the Arms of McGregor and 'Ein Doe And Spair Not', circa 1800

Arms of McGregor: the oak tree represents the 12th century legend of Sir Malcolm Macgregor of Glenorchy and how he saved the king’s life. Sir Malcolm was an attendant during the king’s hunting party. During the hunt, the king was attacked by a wild boar. Sir Malcolm recognised the danger and asked if he could assist. The king replied 'E’en do bait spair nocht' 'In what you do, spare nothing'. Sir Malcolm came to his aid and uprooted an oak sapling which he used to repel the boar. The king gave Sir Malcolm permission to use the oak tree in his crest in place of the fir or pine tree formerly used, and the king’s words were adopted as a clan motto. The sword is a symbol of the clan’s valour in battle, and the crown represents the clan’s royal origins.



SKU: MJWOA0004 Category:

Dimensions: 32cm high, 25cm wide


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